Intentions: I would design, decorate, re-purpose, re-do and show fabulous "after" photos like everyone else. But, unlike everyone else, I didn't make it a priority
Goal: I had hoped the blog would be fun and motivating but instead I found it to be pressure and wasn't sure I could 'compete' with the real design pro's out there -- like Miss Mustard Seed who is my daily bible. :)
Anyway, word of the year = TODAY. I will do something today because I have no reason not to -- as one quote goes -- "if not now, when?" So I am going to try to be a more faithful blogger and hopefully have some ideas to share, or more likely ask for your input -- as in, what the heck should I do with this roadside discard?
Thanks for listening; linking to The Lettered Cottage WORD of the Year
Hi Jeanie, I understand your feelings of pressure and have felt the same way too many times to count. For myself, I had to rethink why I wanted to blog. Sure, making some money and building a huge following were (and still are) a goal, but I really started blogging to share my love of crafting/DIYing and to share what I love to do with other ladies who share those interests! Try to look at it as sharing your ideas even if no one else seems to care... chances are you will make a few friends in the process and within time create that humongous following! If you are still there, don't give up! Don't impose crazy blogging schedules on yourself and get depressed when you can't meet them. I've done that too! The blogging world can be very competitive and with every great project you do you may realize someone's already done that... but who cares! Put your self into your projects and they will speak for themselves, they are special on their own! Hope I'm not sounding preachy... just been there and understand how you may be feeling! Take care!